Find people with interesting lines of work,
such as a chef, and photograph him in his
kitchen. Maybe photograph a welder or an
artist standing near his or her latest piece.
You can find something interesting in
almost any line of work. You can also pho-
tograph someone who has an interesting
hobby as I did in figure 6.14. This gentle-
man participates in Texas historical
re-enactments for fun.
Once again, talk to the person; he or she
probably has some ideas for interesting set-
tings as well. After all, your subject knows
better than anyone what the most interest-
ing part of his or her job is.
128 Part II ✦Creating Great Photos with the Creative Lighting System
6.14 Texas Independence Day re-enactor, Texas State Cemetery, Austin, TX / Nikon D200
with Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5, ISO 100, 1/250 sec. at f/4.5 with SB-800 manual setting
fired via PC sync cord.
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