Studio portrait
photography tips
Use a long lens. Long lenses flat-
ten your subject’s features by
reducing the apparent distance,
which is the distance objects look
from each other from a certain per-
spective. For example, if you use a
wide-angle lens at close range it
can cause the nose to look big
while also causing the ears to look
too small.
Use different color backgrounds.
Using colors that compliment your
subject’s features and clothing can
make a portrait stand out.
Focus on the eyes. The most
important part of a portrait is the
eyes. Make sure that they are in
focus. If the eyes are a little fuzzy
the whole portrait looks off.
Have a list of poses ready.
Subjects often feel uncomfortable
posing unless they are professional
models. By having poses in mind
ahead of time, it minimizes setup
changes and the shoot goes
Be ready. Once your subject is
relaxed and feels comfortable, the
shooting becomes easier and
poses become more natural.
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