The TTL metering system, also known as 3D
Multi Sensor metering is Nikon’s older film-
based flash metering system. The flash expo-
sure is based upon the readings of the
monitor pre-flash on a sensor that reads the
reflected light off of the film that is loaded
into the camera body. The SB-800 and SB-
600 also are able to perform 3D Multi Sensor
balanced fill-flash, but the calculations for i-
TTL BL and the film based TTL BL are wholly
different. When the SB-800 and SB-600 are
connected to the N80, N90/F90, N90s/F90x,
and F100, they perform in this mode. This is
another example of the SB-800 and SB-600
being backwards compatible.
Balanced fill flashBalanced fill (BL) flash mode goes hand in
hand with other TTL metering modes. This
mode uses the standard i-TTL, DTTL, or TTL
readings with readings from monitor pre-
flashes to adjust the flash output to match
the level of ambient light. Using the TTL BL
mode gives your images a more natural
looking feel. Balanced fill flash is available
on both the SB-800 and SB-600.
i-TTL, DTTL, TTL all appear as
just TTL on the Speedlight LCD.
This is due to the fact that,
although the Speedlight func-
tions in any of these modes, the
camera body only uses one
type of metering system. This is
also true when using balanced
fill flash; the LCD only displays
ManualSetting the SB-600 or SB-800 Speedlights to
full Manual mode requires you to adjust the
settings yourself. The best way to figure this
out is by using a formula. You need to know
the guide number (GN) of the Speedlight.
The guide number is a measure of the flash
output. The higher the guide number the
more output and range the flash has. You
need to know the GN in order to figure out
which aperture to use to get the correct
flash exposure for the distance your subject
is. The formula to get the correct aperture is:
GN ÷ Distance = F-stop.
For more information on how to
use this formula in you own
photography, see Chapter 3.
This formula is covered in depth
Auto ApertureIn Auto Aperture (AA) mode, the flash out-
put is set based on a monitor pre-flash read-
ing in conjunction with the aperture and
ISO settings from the camera. This mode
can be used when you want to use a spe-
cific aperture.
To use this mode:
1. Set the camera to Aperture
Priority (A) or Programmed Auto
(P) mode.
2. Press the mode button on the
SB-800 Speedlight until AA
appears on the LCD.
3. In A mode, look at the flash
shooting distance guide on the
SB-800’s LCD and adjust your
f-stop accordingly. When in P
mode, the camera automatically
sets the f-stop for you.
4. Make sure the ready light is on
and then take a picture.
32 Part I ✦Using the Creative Lighting System
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