Chapter 6 ✦Real World Applications 123
During a business party or wedding, try to
take photos of people having fun and enjoy-
ing themselves. Catching the tone of the
event is the essential job of the photographer.
Be sure to move around and take photos
from different angles. Don’t spend the
whole event camped out in one spot. Talk to
the people around you to put them at ease.
Some folks are shy around cameras. You
don’t want to have nervous looking people
in your pictures.
At weddings, take lots of pictures of the
bride and bridesmaids getting ready and the
families of the bride and groom interacting.
Not only does this create a great story line
for the wedding pictures later, it gets the
families and wedding party used to you and
your equipment. Eventually, they stop pos-
ing so much and become relaxed.
6.11 Texas Independence Day Memorial Service, Texas State
Cemetery, Austin, TX / Nikon D70 with Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8, ISO
200, 1/500 sec. at f/2.8 with SB-600 set to TTL BL.
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