Muslin is very versatile, and although it’s
much more suited to portraits, it can be
used successfully for product shots as well.
Canvas backdropsCanvas backdrops are very heavy duty. They
are usually painted a mottled color that is
lighter in the center and darkens around
the edges, which helps the subject stand
out from the background. These types of
backdrops are almost exclusively used for
When considering a canvas backdrop, in
addition to the weight factor, you should
consider the cost as well— they are expen-
sive. Although you can get them in lighter-
weight smaller sizes, I wouldn’t generally
recommend using canvas backdrops for a
portable studio as they are unwieldy and
not very versatile.
94 Part II ✦Creating Great Photos with the Creative Lighting System
5.6 A muslin backdrop shown in a studio setting
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