Red-eye reduction
Red-eye. . . everybody’s seen it in a picture
at one time or another. The devilish red
glare makes your subjects look like they
crawled out of the ninth ring of Dante’s
Inferno. This anomaly is fortunately not
caused by demonic possession, but is
caused by the reflection of the light from
the flash off of the eye’s retina (back of the
eye). Most cameras that have flash compat-
ibility have a red-eye reduction function,
which consists of a pre-flash or an LED that
produces a light bright enough to constrict
the pupils, therefore reducing the amount of
light reflecting entering the eye and bounc-
ing off of the retina.
42 Part I Using the Creative Lighting System
2.5 Press the two buttons highlighted in green for two seconds to
lock the SB-600’s settings.
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