190 Index ✦B—C
background(s) (continued)
controlling, 157
discussed, 92
interesting, 148
muslin backdrops, 93–94
plain, 173
for portable studio, 92–95
seamless paper backdrops, 92–93
stands for, 95
for still life and product photography, 153
traveling with, 104–105
background light, 77
backwards-compatibility, 31
balanced fill (BL) flash. See also TTL BL flash
3D, 32
discussed, 32
for outdoor portrait photography, 149
AA, 29, 50
alkaline-manganese, 30
lithium, 30
nickel, 30
nickel metal hydride, 30–31
nickel-cadmium, 30
non-rechargable, 30
Quick Recycling Battery Pack and, 31
rechargeable, 29, 30–31
SB-800, 31
types of, 30
battery compartment lid
in SB-600, 18
in SB-800, 13
BL (balanced fill) flash mode. See also TTL
BL flash
3D, 32
discussed, 32
for outdoor portrait photography, 149
blur, 108, 109
body language, negative, 171
bokeh, 152
bounce (catchlight) card (SB-800), 14
bounce flash
discussed, 66–69
distance for, 67
in SB-600, 18
in SB-800, 11
settings for, 69–70
for still life and product photography, 153
using, 67–69
bounced lighting, 56
bright sunlight, 102–103
broad lighting, 56
Brooks Institute Weekend Workshops, 186
built-in Speedlight
channel setting on, 82
for concert photography, 121
for D200, 85
output level compensation settings for,
setup for, 81
business events. See event photography
butterfly (Hollywood glamour) lighting, 96
button. See specific types, e.g.: multi-selector
adjusting output compensation on, 38
flash setup in, 76–78
camera cases/bags, 103–104
camera compatibility
backwards-compatibility, 31
of camera bodies, 23–26
for CLS, 76
canvas backdrops, 94
casual posing, 172–173
catchlight (bounce) card (SB-800), 14
channel setting
on built-in Speedlight, 82
choosing, 77
on SB-800, 82
setup for, 37
for wireless flash photography, 82–83
on wireless remote flash, 82–83
chin, posing of, 170
closed shade, 103
close-up filters, 140
close-up photography
at concerts, 118
discussed, 135–136
focal length for, 135, 140
inspiration for, 137
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