24 Chapter 2 Installing Device Manager software
2Install the Java Runtime Environment for Solaris systems:
a On the Business Policy Switch UNIX software Web Page, click Solaris_JRE_1.1.8_09a_sparc.bin.
b For instructions to install the Solaris JRE, click install_jre.txt.
3Install the Device Manager software:
On the Business Policy Switch UNIX software Web page, click jdm_xxx.tar.
Note: In the file name, xxx represents the current version of the Device Manager software.
The file uncompresses and installs the Device Manager software into the appropriate directories on your system.
Before you run the Device Manager software, you must set the following UNIX environment variables:
setenv JAVA_HOME <JRE installed path> setenv PATH${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH [JAVA_HOME}/lib/sparc/ native_thread:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
setenv CLASSPATH ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/rt.jar:${CLASSPATH}
To start Device Manager:
% JDM a.b.c.d
where a.b.c.d is the IP address of the device.