Memory,Storage and CPU capacity Page67 of 544
Option11C and 11C Mini TechnicalReference Guide
Note 21
Protected data store required by the Multi-Tenant Service feature includes the
1285 words per customer that enables Tenant Service:
= size (P_TENANT_PTRS) (=582)
+ size (TEN_CPG_ORDLS) (=256)
+ size (RTE_CPG_ORDLS) (=256)
+ size (CPG_DEFS) (=288)
1285 1382
42 words per tenant access map
42 words per outgoing route access map
Note 22
The protected data store requirements for ATM schedule block are as follows:
= 24 + ((9 x NC + 1) x NH) + 13 x AR
NC = number of customers
NH = number of hours to be scheduled
AR = number of routes schedules to be tested
Note 23
For all machine types, the additional protected data store for a virtual terminal
(DS, access TN, or VMS access TN) is exactly the same with one exception.
For any of the two TN types, the Card Block Component is dependent on the
card to which the termin al is assigned. The compon ent is 0 if the TN is on a
preallocated card, and 1.5 words otherwise. See Note 17 on page66.
Note 24
Protected data store requirements per customer for VAS Data Services (for
each customer having at leas t one DSDN) are: