Can I program a button to execute more than one command?
No, you can not. However, you can create a macro to execute a sequence of commands (see page 31).
How do I program source switching?
See “Programming device items” on page 24.
How can I edit, label or delete buttons on home panels?
You can do this via the Device menu items. All changes you make to these items are automatically updated in the Home menu.
How do I reset the Remote controller?
Normally, you never have to reset the Remote controller. However, if the Remote controller’s display freezes or if you notice unusual behavior, you might need to reset. You will not lose any saved programmed commands or macros.
•Carefully press the reset button on the back of the Remote controller with a paperclip or sharp pencil. The remote controller restarts and beeps to indicate it is ready for use.
How do I revert to the original configuration?
Reverting to the original configuration restores the remote controller’s devices and commands to its state when you purchased it. This means that all programming is lost permanently. Normally, you never have to revert the Remote controller.
1.Touch and hold the Remote controller icon for a few seconds.
The first setup panel appears.
2.Scroll to the second setup panel.
3.Tap the Revert button.
4.Tap Revert to confirm the action.
How do I calibrate the touchscreen?
The remote controller is calibrated when it leaves the factory, so normally you do not have to calibrate it yourself. It is possible that the remote controller displays a message to calibrate the touchscreen. If this message appears, do the following:
1.Tap as close as possible the upper left corner using a blunt tip of a pencil.
2.Tap as close as possible the upper right corner using a blunt tip of a pencil.