Each siren/light key is designed to control an optional siren/light package. Pressing a siren/light key will light the key indicator. Each siren/light key (except RESET) can be programmed for either CANCEL or ADDITIVE operation. If programmed for CANCEL, then all other siren/light activity is cancelled except for the activity associated with this key. If programmed for ADDITIVE, then a key press will add its respective siren/light activity to the current siren/light activity. It is important to note that while the lights are additive, only a single siren can be active at a time. The current siren will be determined from the recently pressed key that contains a siren assignment.
Each siren/light key (except RESET) can be programmed for either Toggle, Momentary or Timed. In Toggle, each key press will toggle the state of the key between ON and OFF. In Momentary, a key's respective feature will only be active while the key is pressed and held. When programmed for Timed, the siren/light key activity will only be active during the programmable
Digital Voice (ProVoice / Aegis / Voice Guard Operation)
Voice Modes
Each system (trunked or conventional) in the radio is programmed for no digital voice operation or one of the three supported Digital Voice formats (ProVoice/Aegis, or Voice Guard). Aegis or ProVoice programmed systems have three (3) different voice modes: clear (analog), digital and private. Voice Guard systems have two (2) voice modes: clear (analog) and private. The voice modes are programmed on a
Current ProVoice Conventional operation is for