ªTo Change the Counter Display Mode
By changing [C.DISPLAY] on the [DISPLAY SETUP]
Sub-Menu, you can change the Counter Display Mode to
Tape Counter Indication [COUNTER] (0:00.00), Memory
Counter Indication [MEMORY] (M0:00.00), and Time Code
Indication [TIMECODE] (0h00m00s00f). By repeatedly
pressing the [COUNTER] Button on the Remote Controller,
you can change the Counter Display Mode.
ªTo Display Date/Time Indication
To display Date/Time Indication, set the appropriate Date/
Time in [DATE/TIME] on the [DISPLAY SETUP] Sub-Menu.
You can also press the [DATE/TIME] Button of the Remote
Controller repeatedly to display or change the Date/Time
ªTo Change the Display Mode
By changing [DISPLAY] on the [DISPLAY SETUP]
Sub-Menu, you can change the Display Mode to All Function
Display [ALL], Partial Display [PARTIAL], and Minimum
Display [OFF].
Owner ID
You can register your name and address in your Movie
Camera to identify the owner.
The Owner ID setup screen appears.
2Turn the [PUSH] Dial to select [PINNUMBER ]/
[NAME]/[HOUSE No.]/[POSTCODE] and press
the [PUSH] Dial to enter the setup mode.
3Turn the [PUSH] Dial to select characters and
press the [PUSH] Dial to enter them.
You can input four digits in [PIN NUMBER], up to 12
characters in [NAME], and up to 11 characters in
[HOUSE No.] and [POST CODE].
4Press the [] Button to exit the setup mode.
By keeping pressing the [;] Button approximately 5
seconds, you can verify the owner ID easily.
To Check Owner ID
If Owner ID has already been set, carrying out Step 1 above
will display [INPUT PIN NUMBER] on the screen. Input the
Pin Number you have already selected. If the number is not
correct, the screen will not change. If the number is correct,
the contents of the setup will be displayed. (By repeating
Steps 2 to 4 above, you can change the contents.)
Warning/Alarm Indications
If any one of the following indications lights up or flashes,
please check the condition of the Movie Camera.
Some Indications may not be displayed according to the
3: Condensation has occurred. (l53)
Y: The accidental erasure prevention
slider on the inserted Cassette is
open (that is, set to [SAVE]).
You are about to do audio dubbing
on the unrecorded (blank) portion of
the tape.
No Cassette is inserted. (l11)
6: The Battery is low. Recharge it.
0: The button-type battery is low.
:: The video heads are dirty. (l53)
2END: The tape came to end during
REMOTE: Wrong Remote Controller Mode has
been selected. (l9)
(OTHER FORMAT): You are attempting to play back a
tape section that has been recorded
with a different TV system.
(LP RECORDED): Because the original recording was
done in LP Mode, audio dubbing
cannot be performed.
TAPE: This Cassette is incompatible.
RESET BUTTON: Mechanism Irregular is detected.
Press the [RESET] Button (l7).
This may solve the problem.
TO SERVICE: It is a malfunction.
CARD FULL: Card does not have sufficient
memory remaining. Select Card
Mode ([PICTURE], [MPEG4] or
[VOICE]) and delete unwanted files.
NO CARD: Card is not inserted.
NO FILE: Card has no files recorded on it.
CARD ERROR: This Card is not compatible with this
Movie Camera.
COPY INHIBITED: Because the medium is protected by
a copy guard, images cannot be
recorded correctly.
OPERATION: Card Mode Selector is set to
[MPEG4] or [VOICE] when
[PHOTOSHOT] Button is pressed.
You are attempting to record to a
card in tape Mode.
You are attempting to record to a
tape in card Mode.