Paradyne 9720, 9788 manual Communication Port Options 3, Inactivity Timeout

Models: 9720 9788

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4. Configuration Options

Table 4-25. Communication Port Options (3 of 4)

Inactivity Timeout

Possible Settings: Enable, Disable

Default Setting: Enable

Determines whether a user session is disconnected after a specified time of inactivity (no keyboard activity).

Display Conditions – This option appears only when Port Use is set to Terminal.

Enable – Disconnects user session after the specified time of inactivity (next option).

Disable – Does not timeout and disconnect user session.

Disconnect Time (Minutes)

Possible Settings: 1 – 60

Default Setting: 10

Sets the number of minutes of inactivity that can elapse before the session is ended.

Display Conditions – This option appears only when Port Use is set to Terminal.

1 – 60 – Sets the time from 1 to 60 minutes.

IP Address

Possible Settings:–,–, Clear

Default Setting: Clear (

Specifies a unique IP address for accessing the unit via the COM port. This option is only in effect when the COM port is configured as a network communication link

(Port Use option is set to Net Link).

Display Conditions – This option appears only when Port Use is set to Net Link. – – Shows the IP address for the COM port, which you can view or edit. The first octet of the address cannot be decimal 0 or 127, or greater than 223.

Clear – Clears the IP address for the COM port and fills the address with zeros. When the IP Address is all zeros, the COM port uses the Node IP Address if one has been configured.

Subnet Mask

Possible Settings: –, Clear

Default Setting:

Specifies the subnet mask needed to access the unit. Only in effect when the COM port is configured as a network communication link (Port Use option is set to Net Link).

Display Conditions – This option appears only when Port Use is set to Net Link. – – Shows COM port subnet mask, which you can view or edit.

Clear – Clears the subnet mask for the COM port and fills the address with zeros. When the node subnet mask is all zeros, the IP protocol creates a default subnet mask based upon the IP address class: Class A:, Class B:, or Class C:


December 2002


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Paradyne 9720, 9788 manual Communication Port Options 3, Inactivity Timeout