Paradyne 9788, 9720 manual CLI Messages 4 What It Indicates

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7. Operation and Maintenance

Table 7-4. CLI Messages (4 of 5)


What It Indicates



% Sub-interfaces are only

An attempt was made to enter a sub-interface on

supported on the Serial 0 Interface

the Ethernet port.



% Sub-interface does not exist

An attempt was made to create a route using a


non-existent sub-interface.



% Sub-interface in use.

An attempt was made to delete a sub-interface that

Sub-interface uses must be

is currently in use.

removed first.

Perform the following configuration changes prior to



deleting a sub-interface:


Delete all route entries destined for the




Delete all route entries destined for the


sub-interface’s subnet ip address range.


Delete the IP address (or IP unnumbered


designation) on the sub-interface, if one exists.


Delete the frame relay DLCI on the


sub-interface, if one exists.


Delete bridge group assignments from the




Delete IP NAT inside/outside assignments for the




Delete the IP helper address on the





% Sub-interface must be specified

An attempt was made to specify a serial interface

for Serial interfaces

without specifying a sub-interface.



% Sub-interface must be specified

A serial interface was specified without the

for Serial interfaces

sub-interface also being specified.



% Sub-interface number must be

The number entered is outside the supported


sub-interface range.



% Sub-interfaces are only

An attempt was made to create a sub-interface on

supported on the Serial 0 Interface

the Ethernet port.



% Subnet must be unique

The subnet mask for the sub-interface entered is


not unique.



% The DHCP Server and DHCP

An attempt was made to enable the DHCP server

Relay cannot both be enabled

and DHCP Relay is already enabled.



% The static ARP table is full

An attempt was made to create a new ARP entry,


but the maximum number of static ARP entries have


already been created.



%The static route table is full

An attempt was made to assign an IP address,


but the maximum number of static routes have


already been configured.



% The DHCP Server and DHCP

An attempt was made to enable DHCP Relay and

Relay cannot both be enabled

the DHCP Server is already enabled.




December 2002


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Paradyne 9788, 9720 manual CLI Messages 4 What It Indicates