Paradyne 9720, 9788 manual Configuring Ethernet Management, Ethernet→Management→Options 1, Status

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No alarms or traps associated with the Ethernet management interface are generated.
All port uses that refer to the Ethernet interface, like Default IP Destination and Initial Route Destinations, are reset to their default settings (see Table 4-18, Node IP Options, and Table 4-23, SNMP Traps Options).
If Status is changed from Disable to Enable, the prompt Would you like to set the Node's Default IP Destination to Ethernet? appears.

4. Configuration Options

Configuring Ethernet Management

Select Ethernet Management from the Management and Communication menu to configure management traffic options for the Ethernet interface (see Table 4-24, Ethernet Management Options).

Main Menu


Management and Communication



Ethernet Management



– or –





Main Menu


Easy Install

Ethernet Management Options Screen

Table 4-24. EthernetManagementOptions (1 of 2)


If accessing Ethernet Management options from the Easy Install screen, Save your changes. Press the Esc key to return to the Easy Install screen.


Possible Settings: Enable, Disable

Default Setting: Disable

Determines whether the Ethernet interface is being used for management traffic.

If Yes is selected, the Ethernet interface is enabled and the node’s Default IP Destination is set to Ethernet.

If No, Esc, or Ctrl-a are selected, the Ethernet interface is enabled, but the node’s Default IP Destination is not changed.

￿If Status is changed from Enable to Disable, the prompt Would you like to clear ￿the Ethernet Management Options? appears.

– If Yes is selected, the Ethernet management link is disabled and all Ethernet Management options are reset to their default values.

– If No, Esc, or Ctrl-a are selected, the Ethernet management link is disabled.

Enable – The Ethernet interface is active for management traffic and can only receive

Version 2 or IEEE 802.3 MAC frames and transmit Version 2 MAC frames.

Disable – The Ethernet interface is not available for management traffic and:



December 2002


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Paradyne 9720, 9788 manual Configuring Ethernet Management, Ethernet→Management→Options 1, Status