Paradyne 9788 Conventions Used, Convention Interpretation, X.x, Xxxxxxxxxxxx, Main Menu Status

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Conventions Used








[ ]

Brackets indicate an optional element.





{ }

Braces indicate a required entry.





Vertical bars separate mutually exclusive elements. Enter



one element only.





[{ }]

Braces within brackets indicate a required choice within an



optional element.






Entry is a variable, which must be supplied by the operator.






Entry, or the minimum characters that can be entered, must



be typed as shown






32-bit IP address and mask information where x is an 8-bit



weighted decimal notation.






MAC address information, where x is a hexadecimal








Main Menu Status

Menu selection indicates a selection sequence to be made



from a menu (e.g., select Status from the Main Menu).





Text highlighted in blue

A hyperlink to additional information when viewing this


manual online. Click on the highlighted text.




December 2002


Page 14
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Paradyne 9788, 9720 manual Conventions Used, Convention Interpretation, X.x, Xxxxxxxxxxxx, Main Menu Status