Paradyne 9720, 9788 manual Initiating an FTP Session, Command Definition

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7. Operation and Maintenance

Initiating an FTP Session

Initiate an FTP session to a FrameSaver node in the same way you would initiate an FTP to any other IP-addressable device.


Loading a configuration with many DLCIs from option area Customer Configuration 1 or 2 into the Current Configuration area takes time. Allow a minute or more for the downloaded file to be put into the unit’s currently active configuration.


To initiate an FTP session:

1.Start the FTP client program on the host. For example, on a UNIX host, type ftp, followed by the FrameSaver unit’s IP address.

2.If a login and password are required (see Creating a Login for the User Interface in Chapter 6, Security and Logins), you are prompted to enter them. If not, press Enter.

The FTP prompt appears.

The starting directory is the root directory (/). Use standard FTP commands during the FTP session, as well as the following remote FTP commands.






Places the FTP session in binary-transfer mode.



cd directory

Change the current directory on the FrameSaver node to the


specified directory.



dir [directory]

Print a listing of the directory contents in the specified


directory. If no directory is specified, the current one is used.



get file1 [file2]

Copy a file from the remote directory of the FrameSaver node


to the local directory on the host (for configuration files only).



ls [directory]

Print an abbreviated list of the specified directory’s contents.


If no directory is specified, the current one is used.



put file1 [file2]

Copy file1 from a local directory on the host to file 2 in the


current directory of the FrameSaver node. If file2 is not


specified, the file will be named file1 on the FrameSaver





recv file1 [file 2]

Same as a get.



remote or help

Print the meaning of the command. If no argument is given, a


list of all known commands is printed.



send file1 [file 2]

Same as a put.




December 2002


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Paradyne 9720, 9788 manual Initiating an FTP Session, Command Definition