Paradyne 9788 Telnet and FTP Session Options 3, FTP Login Required, FTP Max Transfer Rate Kbps

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4. Configuration Options

Table 4-21. Telnet and FTP Session Options (3 of 3)

FTP Login Required

Possible Settings: Enable, Disable

Default Setting: Disable

Specifies if a login ID and password are required for an FTP session. If required, the login used is the same login used for a menu-driven user interface session. This option does not affect the TS Access Management Link.

Enable – User is prompted for a login ID and password.

Disable – No login is required for an FTP session.

FTP Max Transfer Rate (Kbps)

Possible Settings:

9720: 1 – 144

9783: 1 – 2320

9788: 1 – 2312

Default Setting:

9720: 144

9783: 2320

9788: 2312

Sets the maximum transmit and receive rate of a file transfer via management PVCs. This option allows new firmware and configuration files to be downloaded in the background using selected bandwidth without interfering with normal operation. Files can be downloaded quickly using the default settings or downloaded at a slower rate over an extended period of time by selecting a slower speed. Based on TCP flow control, the system FTP server throttles bandwidth to match this setting.

1 – maximum – Sets the line speed from 1 Kbps to the maximum management speed.


December 2002


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Paradyne manual Telnet and FTP Session Options 3, FTP Login Required, FTP Max Transfer Rate Kbps, 9720 1 9783 1 9788 1