mono input module 1
aux send features
Eight auxiliary sends are available for creating individual output mixes. These can be used to drive effects processors, provide monitor mixes, create broadcast or alternate sound reinforcement mixes, or for other special requirements. Each pair of odd/even Aux buses (1&2, 3&4, etc.) can be treated as individual discrete mono sends, or as stereo pairs. Discrete mono or stereo pair mods are selected global- ly for each aux pair via mode switched in the Aux master section, located at the top of the Group modules.
Aux sends 1-2, 3-4
These knobs adjust the amount of signal sent to the first four AUX buses. Unity gain occurs at the he zero setting.
In mono mode, each control independently determines the send level for the respective aux mix. When stereo mode is selected, the top (odd numbered) con- trol sets signal level while the bottom (even numbered) control pans the signal between odd and even auxiliary mix buses (odd = left, even = right).
Aux PRE switches 1-2, 3-4,
The Aux PRE switches determine the source for each pair of AUX sends.The sig- nal that these switches use for the PRE setting can be further defined by changing the position of a couple of internal jumpers. See INTERNAL JUMPER
Aux sends 5-6, 7-8 (Dual Concentric)
In mono mode, the inner knobs control levels for aux 5 and 7, respectively. The outer knobs control levels for aux 6 and 8, respectively. When stereo mode is selected for either of the odd/even aux pairs, the center knobs become the level controls and the outer knobs become the pan controls.
Aux 5-6 & 7-8 PRE switch
See "Aux PRE switches
It's typical to | + |
make Aux sends |
Post fader when driving effects, and Pre fader when mixing for monitors.
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