2.Press ï to highlight Clear All and press OK to select.
Parental Lock |
Lock Channel | Yes |
Change Code | Cleared |
Clear All |
Lock All |
Movie Rating |
TV Rating |
Block Options |
3. Press OK to select Yes.
D Note: A message is displayed to inform you that the channel is blocked when you try to access it.You can choose to enter the Parental Lock access code to view the program.
Channel 2
Blocked By
Channel Blocking
Access Code :
8.5Control access to TV programs
Use the movie rating lock (for certain regions only)
Control access to movies based on their content as defined by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA).
Settings apply to the TV and AV inputs only.
1.Access Parental Lock menu as described in Access Parental Lock on page 35.
2.Press ï until Movie Rating is highlighted, and press OK to select.
3.Press Î or ï to highlight your choice of movie rating label, and press OK.
A tick ($) appears beside the rating label to indicate the rating lock is enabled.
4.Press Í to return to the previous menu or press ANALOG MENU to exit.
Parental Lock |
Lock Channel | G |
Change Code | PG |
Clear All |
| |
Lock All | R | |
Movie Rating | ||
TV Rating | X | |
Block Options |
D Note: Movies are blocked if they fall under the movie rating category that you enabled.A message is displayed to inform you that the program is blocked by the movie rating. Programs remain locked even after the TV is switched off. Enter the Parental Lock access code to view the program. Subsequently, all other locked programs are viewable.
D Tip: Press STATUS / EXIT twice to check which TV or movie ratings are enabled.
Movie Ratting | Ins | TV Rating | |
G | TV - Y | ||
| |||
PG |
| TV - Y7 | |
PG - 13 |
| TV - G | |
R |
| TV - PG | |
NC - 17 |
| TV - 14 | |
X |
| TV - MA | |
| Unrated | |
| No Rating |
Movie Rating:
•G: Suitable for all ages.
•PG: Some material may not be suitable for children.