


S-VIDEO-1/2, 22 SCALE feature, 59 SCALE key, 13, 47 See-It/Show It, 13, 46, 78 Sense lines, 25

definition, 121 Macintosh displays, 122

Setting up the projector, 6–7 SETUP key, 13, 46

Silicon Graphics, see SGI SGI 13C3-to-LCD connector

cable, 29

SGI connections, 29 without an external

monitor, 29 SGI-to-LCD adapter, 29 SOURCE key, 12, 46 Source mode

selecting, 100 Specifications, 117–118 Sync adjustment, 101 Sync setting, 51


Technical support, 112–114 Temperature

extremes, 96 13C3 connections

SGI, 29 standard, 28

13C3 to LCD Connector Cable, 28

Tools menu, 62 Break Timer, 62 Break Timer Value, 62 Draw, 62

Draw mode, 62 Mouse Tracking, 62

Troubleshooting, 97–116 Turning on the projector, 21 Turning the lamp off, 39–40


User profiles, 60


V-Sync values, 100 VCO Gain

adjusting, 102 Vert. Pos

adjusting, 102 Vertical double image, 104 VGA OUT, 23 VGA-to-LCD connector

cable, 25 VGA/MAC adapter, 26 VIDEO 1/2, 22 Volume, 53

Mute key, 12, 47, 53 VOLUME keys, 12, 46


What’s in the box, 3–4 Workstations, 28–31

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Polaroid Polaview 305 manual Index