Deployment Guide for the Polycom CX700 IP Phone
For ExternalUpdatesDownloadURL, type https://ReverseProxyFQDN/RequestHandlerExt/ucdevice.upx
6.Click Save Property.
For ExternalUpdatesStoreURL, type https://ReverseProxyFQDN/DeviceUpdateFiles_Ext
7.Click Save Property and then Save Object to save the instance.
8.Click Close.
9.Verify that the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) values are updated by querying the class as described in step 3. The ExternalUpdatesDownloadURL and ExternalUpdatesStoreURL properties should be set to a
10.Click Exit to close wbemtest.
Verify Internal and External Download URLs
Confirm that internal and external Polycom CX700 phones will be able to download firmware updates.