MGC Manager User’s Guide - Volume I
•Resource Force—lets you view and select the Audio and Video resources
to run the conference according to the available MCU resources. If your
MCU contains both standard Audio and Audio+ cards and standard
Video and/or Video+ cards, you can select the Audio card type and/or the
Video card type to run the conference.
•Recording—lets you define recording options for the current conference.
•Meet Me per Conference—lets you define Meeting Rooms and Meet Me
Per Conference reservation templates. Enabled only when the Meet Me
Per Conf option is selected in the General properties.
Conference General Parameters
The options in Properties-General tab allow the setup of different types of
conferences according to their general properties. Selections made in this
dialog box affect the other On Going Conference parameters, and enable
other tabs.
To define the conference General parameters:
3. Define the following parameters:
Table 4-4: Conference Properties - General
Field/Option Description
Name (Mandatory) Enter a unique conference name, using up to
80 characters.
Note: If the same name is already used by another
conference, Meeting Room, Entry Queue, or Reservation
in the same or partially overlapping time frame, the MGC
Manager displays an error message requesting you to
enter a different name.
Duration Define the duration of the conference using the format
HH:MM (default 2:00, maximum 99:59).
For example, to define a duration of 30 minutes, enter
0:30. For duration of 90 minutes, enter 01:30.
Billing Enter the conference billing code. The billing code can be
assigned to the conference by your reservation system or
it can be allocated by the conference chairperson or
contact person.
MCU Displays the name of the MCU to which you are currently
connected (read-only).