Chapter 2 - MGC Manager Overview
Entry QueueAn Entry Queue is a special routing lobby to which one or several dial-in
numbers are assigned. When callers dial this number, they access this Entry
Queue where they wait to be routed and connected to the conference. The
following Entry Queue options are available:
Unattended Entry Queue
Both video and audio participants (including IP phones) connect to the Entry
Queue and, using voice prompts, are routed to their conference according to
the conference numeric ID or password (depending on the MCU
configuration) they submit. This process is automatic, unless the participant
requires help. Depending on the Entry Queue service configuration, operator
assistance may be available to all participants during the connection process.
Attended Entry Queue
Dial-in participants are personally greeted by an operator (in an Operator
conference) who accompanies them to their conference.
Ad Hoc-enabled Entry Queue
An On Going Conference is initiated from an Entry Queue that is configured
to support Ad Hoc (reservation-less) conferencing. The conference is created
according to the Profile assigned to the Ad Hoc-enabled Entry Queue.
For a detailed description of this feature, refer to the MGC Manager User’s
Guide Volume II, Chapter 3, “Ad-Hoc Conferencing and External Database