Chapter 5 - Monitoring Conferences
5-6Starts At The time the conference started.
End Time The scheduled end time of the conference.
ID A sequential ID number assigned to the conference
by the system, for use by the Call Detail Record
(CDR) utility.
Connected The number of participants currently connected to
the conference.
Dial-in Number The dialing number that participants can use to
access the conference via an ISDN line.
Join Conference The names of conferences the operator has joined:
•In an Operator Conference - indicates the name
of the conference joined by the operator.
•In an On Going Conference - indicates the name
of the operator who joined the conference (the
Operator conference name is identical to the
operator’s login name).
Entry Password The password to be used by participants to enter the
Password The password to be used by a participant to enter
the conference as the chairperson.
Numeric ID The unique-per-MCU Conference Numeric ID as
assigned by the operator or the system. This number
can be used by IP participants as a part of a dialing
string, when accessing the conference.
H323 Service
Prefix The IP Network Service prefix that can be used as
part of the dialing string by IP endpoints.
Table 5-1: On Going Conference - Status Pane Columns (Continued)
Column Name Description