Chapter 5 - Monitoring Conferences
5-18V Sync Loss
Count Indicates the video synchronization status. R indicates the
endpoint (remote) status while L indicates the MCU status. A
dash “–” indicates that there is no sync loss problem, while
numbers indicate the number of times that the video sync loss
problem occurred at the remote or the local site.
tion Cause Displays the disconnection cause for a participant who is
disconnected from the conference.
Position Indicates the position held by the participant in the Q&A Queue:
“1” being the next to speak, “2” being second up, and so on. This
information is cleared when the participant begins to speak.
Q&A Waiting
Time Displays the total time spent by the participant waiting in the Q&A
Queue. This information is cleared when the participant begins to
Last Vote During a voting session, displays the last vote that the selected
participant entered (using a DTMF code).
Indicates whether the participant is in an Invite Session.
The Invite option is available in Audio Only Conferences and
enables the chairperson to dial-out (during an On Going
Conference) to a participant inviting them to join. Displays “Invite”
for the chairperson and the invited participant.
Table 5-2: On Going Conference - Monitor Pane Columns (Continued)
Name Icon Indication Description