Chapter 4 - Setting Up Conferences
Meet Me Per Conference
The Meet Me Per Conference tab is enabled if the Meet Me Per Conference
option was selected in the On Going Conference Properties - General dialog
box, or if you are defining a Meeting Room. In this tab, you can assign the
dial-in numbers to the conference for ISDN and IP participant connections.
Callers wishing to participate in a Meet Me Per Conference conference or
Meeting Room must dial one of the dial-in numbers, and are automatically
connected to the appropriate conference.
You can enable and specify audio recording options for an On Going
Conference. These options are enabled both for Audio Only and for Audio
and Video (to define recording for the audio channel of the conference). For a
detailed description of Recording options and setup, refer to the MGC
Manager User’s Guide, Vo ice P lus Edi tio n, Chapter 8, “Recording”.
For a description of the Meet Me Per Conference and Meeting Room options,
see Chapter 7, “Meet Me per Conferences and Meeting Rooms”.