MGC Manager User’s Guide - Volume I
Monitoring Gateway SessionsIf a gateway is configured on your MCU, you can monitor the On Going
gateway sessions.
To view the list of current gateway sessions:
•Double-click the On Going Gateway Sessions icon or click the plus [+]
icon next to the On Going Gateway Sessions icon.
The list of gateway sessions opens.
Figure 5-2: Gateway Sessions Indicators
Figure 5-2 shows a gateway call between two IP networks. The dialing string
is composed of the H.323 Network Service prefix (GW Service prefix), the
profile identifier, and the remote H.323 endpoint’s alias in E.164 format
(1045). The system displays the alias of the remote H.323 endpoint in the
gateway session name, and the participant name.
The same status icons that indicate the standard participant status, are used to
indicate the participant status in a gateway session. For the description of all
conference status icons, see Table5-2 on pag e 5-10.
Displays Dial-up string
showing call setup
between two H.323
Displays the incoming
gateway Dial-up string
from the H.323 local
Displays the outgoing
gateway Dial-up string
to the H.323 remote
In a Double Gateway call, the system displays only the local endpoint and
gateway session parameters.