MGC Manager User’s Guide - Volume I
Conference Scheduling Methods
The system supports both scheduled and on-demand conferences. Reservation
Templates containing conference parameters can be used to schedule
conferences saving the need to repeatedly define new similar conferences
(with the same parameters). Different templates can be defined for specific
conference settings.

Scheduled Conferences

Scheduled conferences are arranged ahead of time and are assigned a
telephone number and password for dial-in participants. You can schedule via
the MGC Manager application or using the browser based WebCommander
application, or via Microsoft Outlook using the MGC Personal Scheduler
On Going Conferences
An On Going Conference is a conference that starts immediately or when the
scheduled reservation date and time is reached. An On Going Conference can
be started in one of the following ways:
By applying the On Going ConferencesNew Conference definition
From a Reservation Template (immediately)
When the starting date and time scheduled in a Reservation is reached
Reservations are conferences scheduled to start in the future. Reservations are
defined using the same parameters as On Going Conferences with the
addition of the conference start date and time. You can schedule Reservations
in using of the following methods:
From ReservationsNew Reservation definition
Scheduled from a Reservation Template
For a detailed description, see Chapter 9, “Conference Reservations”.