MGC Manager User’s Guide - Volume I


4. Click the Reservation Recurrence button to define the frequency at which the reservation occurs.The Reservation Recurrence dialog box opens.5. The following parameters may be defined:
Table 9-4: Reservation Recurrence Parameters
Field Description
Recurrence Pattern Select the frequency (Daily, Weekly or Monthly) at
which the reservation occurs.
If Daily is selected, the system automatically
highlights all the days of the week. To remove a
certain day of the week from the recurrence
schedule, click the desired day to clear its check
If Weekly is selected, the system automatically
checks the day of the week according to the
current day set in the Scheduler dialog box. You
can also define the recurrence interval in weeks.
For example, if you want the reservation to occur
bi-weekly, enter the value 2 in the Week(s) box. To
define a twice a week recurring reservation, click
the check box of the additional day of the week at
which the conference is to be repeated and set the
recurrence interval to 1.
If Monthly is selected, the system automatically
sets the current day as defined in the Scheduler
dialog box.