3–Interactive Commands
Utilities Menu
3-74 SN0054614-00 K
; FW Area data file for standard card
; !!!!! DO NOT CHANGE THE ORDER OF THE DATA !!!!!!!!!!!!
; FW Area header (BYTE OFFSET 0000h - 0013h)
FW Signature [0-FFFFFFFFh] = caba3821
Firmware Area Save

(Command Line Option -u)

10: Utilities n: Firmware Area Save
The Firmware Area Save operation reads the contents of the firmware preload
table in the adapter Flash and exports the data to a specified DAT file.
This option is visible only if you have selected an 8Gb adapter.
To save the firmware area:
1. On the Utilities menu, select the number for the Firmware Area Save
The following menu is shown, for example:
Firmware Area Save Menu
HBA Model QLE2562
1: Port 1: WWPN: 21-00-00-1B-32-16-18-EE Loop Down
2: Port 2: WWPN: 21-01-00-1B-32-36-18-EE Online
HBA Model QLE8000
Port 1: WWPN: 21-00-00-1B-32-0A-A9-B4 Link Down
FCoE Engine
Port 2: WWPN: 21-01-00-1B-32-2A-A9-B4 Link Down
HBA Model QLE220
Port 1: WWPN: 21-00-00-E0-8B-91-A4-26 Loop Down
HBA Model QLE2462
Port 1: WWPN: 21-00-00-1B-32-00-27-CE Online
Port 2: WWPN: 21-01-00-1B-32-20-27-CE Loop Down
3: Return to Previous Menu
2. Select the number corresponding to the QLE256x adapter port for which you
want to save the firmware area.
3. At the prompt, enter the name of an existing firmware preload table DAT file.