C–Error/Exit Return Codes
C-6 SN0054614-00 K
94 ERROR_TARGET_NO_DIRECT_ACCESS Boot device settings failed because the
boot target is not a direct access device
95 ERROR_INVALID_BOOT_SETTINGS Boot device parameter is invalid/incorrect
Unsupported boot device settings
97 Reserved Not used
98 Reserved Not used
99 Reserved Not used
100 ERROR_INVALID_DRIVER_PARAM Driver parameter settings are invalid
101 ERROR_READ_DRIVER_PARAM Failed to read current driver settings of the
102 ERROR_DRIVER_PARAM_NOT_FOUND Unknown driver parameter settings
103 ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_DRIVER_PARAM Unsupported driver parameter
104 Reserved Not used
105 Reserved Not used
106 Reserved Not used
107 Reserved Not used
108 Reserved Not used
109 Reserved Not used
110 ERROR_DUPLICATE_TARGET_ID Target has duplicate ID
111 ERROR_INVALID_TARGET_ID Target has invalid ID
112 ERROR_MISMATCH_TARGET_ID Target has mismatch ID
113 ERROR_READ_FROM_DRIVER Failed to read persistent binding data from
driver database
Failed to read persistent binding data from
persistent database
115 ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILURE Unable to allocate memory
116 ERROR_TARGET_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND Unable to find the binding entry of the spec-
ified target
Table C-1. Error/Exit Return Codes (Continued)
Code Name Description