4–Non-Interactive Commands
Command Summary
4-32 SN0054614-00 K
Link Failure—Number of link failures
Loss of sync—Number of sync loss errors
Loss of signal—Number of signal loss errors
Invalid CRC—Number of invalid CRCs

(Display LUN Info)

This command shows LUN information for:
All adapters
A specific target
A specific LUN on a specific target
To show the LUN information for all target devices for a specific adapter Instance,
#scli -l (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>)
To show the LUN information for a specific device for a specific adapter port, type:
#scli -l (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>) (<target port id> |
<target wwpn>)
To show the LUN information for a specific LUN on a specific target device for a
specific adapter port instance, type:
#scli -l (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>) (<target port id> |
<target wwpn>) <lun id>

(Display Link Status)

To view the link status, type:
#scli -ls (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>) [(<param name> |
<param alias>) <param value>]
hba instance =Adapter number (use -g command to find)
hba wwpn =World wide port name of the adapter
target port id =Port ID of the target
target wwpn =World wide port name of the target
lun id =ID of the LUN