4–Non-Interactive Commands
Command Summary
4-24 SN0054614-00 K
12 (Windows)
25 (Solaris)
2 (Linux and Macintosh)
The default test increment is 1. The test increment cannot be larger than the
number of tests run (see “TestCount (TC)” on page4-23).
OnError (OE)
For the loopback test, OnError is either:
OE <param value>
OnError <param value>
This parameter determines how errors are handled if they occur during any given
pass. Table 4-8 lists the valid values.
LoopbackType (LT)
For the loopback test only, the loopback type parameter specifies the type of
loopback tests that you can select from, as shown in Tabl e 4-9.
Be sure to select the appropriate adapter connector for testing. For internal
loopback, a loopback connector must be plugged in the adapter connector.
Run a Loopback Test
The loopback test sends and receives messages, through a loopback or through
an echo command, to the switch.
Table 4-8. OnError Values
Value Description
0The error is ignored. This is the default value.
1 The test stops on error.
2On error, the data pattern and test repeat until the error is cleared.
Table 4-9. LoopbackType Values
Value Description
010 bit internal loopback test.
1 1 bit serial loopback test.
2External loopback test.