4–Non-Interactive Commands
Command Summary
SN0054614-00 K 4-15
In the previous commands, the variables indicate the following (see also
Firmware Update Commands
To update the firmware on the FCoE, issue the following command:
# scli -fcoe ( <hba instance> | <hba wwpn> ) --loadfw <firmware
hba instance =Adapter instance number (use -g command to find)
hba wwpn =World wide port name of the adapter
param name =Name of the parameter
param alias =Alias of the parameter
param value =New value of the parameter
-port0 =FCoE access port 0
-port1 =FCoE access port 1
Table 4-4. FCoE Engine Parameters
Parameter Name
<param name>
<param alias>
<param value> Description
PortType AT 0, 1 0=Access (default)
PauseType PT 1, 2 1=Standard Pause (default)
2=Priority Flow Control
PM 0, 1, ..7 Specifies the bit location of the pause mask
to be set to 1; that is, a PriorityPauseMask
type of 1,3,4 means that bit 1,3,4 is 1, the
rest are zeros. This equals 1a (hexadeci-
mal) or 26 (decimal). This mask is valid only
if the PauseType is set to Priority Flow Con-
FCoEConfig FC 0, 1 0=Pre-T11 Frame Format
1=T11 Rev 0 Frame Format (If supported)
COS CS 0–7 By default, the default value for priority
encoded FCoE packet is 3. This settings is
per Fibre Channel port.