B–XML Format 2
XML Format 2 Tags for Each Option
SN0054614-00 K B-9
<Status> n </Status>
<Reboot> n /Reboot>
The <Target> sequence repeats for each LUN attached to the target. The LUN
list is listed under the target, not under the adapter.
Target Persistent Binding
(Command Line Option -p)
The command format is:
scli -p (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn> | all) (view | ?) -x2
The XML Format 2 for the adapter target persistent binding information is as
<?xml version="value" encoding="value"?>
<AppName>SANsurfer FC/CNA HBA CLI</AppName>
<AppVersion>vn.n.nn Build nn</AppVersion
<HBA Instance="value" HBAModel="value" HBAPort="value"
WWNN="value" WWPN="value" />
<TargetBinding TargetWWNN="value" TargetWWPN="value"
TargetPortID="value" TargetID="value" />
<Status> n </Status>
<Reboot> n /Reboot>
The <HBA> </HBA> sequence repeats for each adapter.
The <Target binding … /> sequence repeats for each bound target.
Selective LUNs
(Command Line Option -m)
The command format is:
scli -m all (view | ?) -x2
The XML Format 2 for the selective LUNs information is as follows:
<?xml version="value" encoding="value"?>
<AppName>SANsurfer FC/CNA HBA CLI</AppName>
<AppVersion>vn.n.nn Build nn</AppVersion