SANsurfer FC/CNA HBA CLI User’s Guide
Command Line Interface for QLogic FC and FCoE Adapters
SN0054614-00 K iii
Added new FCoE menu option to Interactive Com-
mands chapter.
3 Interactive Commands
Added Flash Image Version to list of actual VPD
“Generate Report (Per Adapter Port)” on
page 3-11
Added new ENode MAC Address information for
QLE81xx adapters.
“HBA Information (Command Line Option -i)” on
page 3-21
Added cautions about deleting the LUN persistent
name for a LUN with active I/O.
“Persistent Names Menu (Command Line Option
-pl)” on page3-39
“-pl (Show, Add, and Delete Persistent Names)” on
page 4-41
Updated the Utilities menu (renamed some
options per modifications to the CLI, added new
MPI config table options, and removed the FCoE
Utility option).
“Utilities Menu” on page 3-64
“Update MPI Config Table” on page3-71
“Save MPI Config Table” on page3-71
Updated Update Flash option. “Update Flash (Per Adapter Port or All HBAs)
(Command Line Option -b)” on page 3-65
Added new message passing interface (MPI)
options for the Utilities menu.
“Update MPI Config Table” on page3-71
“Save MPI Config Table” on page3-71
Updated loopback and read/write buffer test
descriptions and examples.
“Diagnostics Loopback Test (Command Line
Option -kl)” on page3-77
“Diagnostics Read/Write Buffer Test” on page3-83
Updated the transceiver details output examples. “Diagnostics Transceiver Details: DMI (Command
Line Option -dm)” on page3-85
Updated FCoE menu section to reflect support for
both QLE80xx (FCoE adapters) and QLx81xx
(converged network adapters).
“FCoE Menu (Command Line Option -cna)” on
page 3-108
Added new section for converged network adapt-
ers (QLE81xx and QMI81xx).
“FCoE Utilities Menu for QLx81xx Adapters (Com-
mand Line Option -cna)” on page3-111
Added new command line options for converged
network adapters (QLE81xx and QMI81xx).
“-cna (FCoE Utilities Menu for QLx81xx Adapters)”
on page4-8
Renamed Interactive Exit Codes appendix and
updated and added new error return codes.
Appendix C Error/Exit Return Codes
Removed redundant Non-Interactive Error Codes
appendix (codes are the same as in AppendixC
Error/Exit Return Codes).
Added new glossary terms. Glossary