4–Non-Interactive Commands
Command Summary
SN0054614-00 K 4-17
The pairs <param name> <param value> and <param alias> <param val ue> can
be repeated to set multiple parameters in a single command.
Table4-5 lists the driver configuration parameter names and aliases.
The following restrictions apply:
ξ‚„Under Solaris, the driver configuration feature is disabled if you are using the
driver from the OS installation CDs (QLC driver).
ξ‚„Under Linux, this feature is disabled if you are using the IOCTL or sysfs
(inbox) driver.
ξ‚„Under Macintosh, the BindWWPN and BindPortID parameters are not
changeable; Mac supports only the BindWWPN parameter.
hba instance =Adapter instance number of an adapter port (use -g
command to find)
hba wwpn =World wide port name of the adapter
param name =Name of the parameters
param alias =Alias of the parameters
param value =New value of the parameters
Table 4-5. Driver Settings Parameters
Description Parameter Name
<param name>
a0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
Persistently bound target(s) only PersistentOnly PO 0, 1
Present persistently bound tar-
get(s) plus any new target(s) with
driver default
PersistentPlusNew PN 0, 1
Present targets with driver default NewOnlyb
bDriver parameter NewOnly (NO) is supported only with the failover driver. If you select a QLA22xx
adapter, all QLA22xx adapters on the host will use the same settings. If you select a 23xx adapter,
all 2G/4G adapters on the host will also use the same settings.
NO 0, 1
Bind devices by WWPN BindWWPN BW 0, 1
Bind devices by port ID BindPortID BP 0, 1
Table Notes