A–XML Format 1
XML Format 1 Tags for Each Option
SN0054614-00 K A-7
<Status> 0 </Status>
<Reboot> 0 </Reboot>
Display Device List

(Command Line Option -t)

The XML Format 1 for adapter device information is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<AppName>SANsurfer FC/CNA HBA CLI</AppName>
<AppVersion>vn.nn.nn Build nn</AppVersion>
<HBAPort="value" WWNN="value" WWPN="value" />
<WWNN> Target WWNN </WWNN>
<WWPN> Target WWPN </WWPN>
<Info Path="value"
Vendor="value" ProductID="value"
PortID="value" LunCount="value" Type="value"
DeviceStatus="value" />
<Status> 0 </Status>
<Reboot> 0 </Reboot>

The <Target>…</Target> sequence is repeated for each adapter target.

Display LUN List

(Command Line Option -l)

The XML Format 1 for the adapter LUN list information is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<AppName>SANsurfer FC/CNA HBA CLI</AppName>
<AppVersion>vn.nn.nn Build nn</AppVersion>
<HBAPort="value" WWNN="value" WWPN="value" />
<WWNN> Target WWNN </WWNN>
<WWPN> Target WWPN </WWPN>