4–Non-Interactive Commands
Command Summary
4-10 SN0054614-00 K

(Update Device Driver)

Use the -d command to update the adapter’s device driver:
scli -d <file name>

(Display Diagnostics Monitoring Info)

This option allows you to show general or detailed Digital Diagnostic Monitoring
Interface for optical transceivers.
To show transceiver monitoring general information, type:
#scli -dm (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn> | <all>)general | gen
To show transceiver monitoring detailed information, type:
Table 4-3. DCE™ Statistics Parameters
Value Description
AutoPoll AP 0
Set to auto polling mode
Set to manual polling mode (iteration)
SetRate SR 5–30 Set the polling interval rate (seconds)
Details DT 0–2 Set the detailed display mode:
0 = Absolute
1 = Rate per second
2 = Baseline
file name =Absolute or full path name of the setup INF file or the com-
pressed driver file in ZIP or EXE format. The binary image
of the device driver must reside in the same absolute or full
path location. For example:
scli -d c:\temp\ql2300\qlxxx.inf
This option is supported only for QLA/QLE/QEM24xx (4GB) adapters.
Under Solaris, this option is disabled if you are using Linux inbox drivers
(SLES 10.0/RHEL 5.0 or latest).