3–Interactive Commands
FCoE Menu (Command Line Option -cna)
3-114 SN0054614-00 K
DCE Statistics
16: FCoE 3: DCE Statistics
When you select the DCE Statistics option from the FCoE Utilities Menu for
QLE81xx/QMI81xx adapters, a submenu menu appears with the following options
for data center Ethernet (DCE):
Display Settings (see page 3-115)
Auto Polling (see page 3-115)
Set Rate (see page 3-115)
Set Details (see page 3-115)
Start (see page3-115)
SAN Priority CoS CoS provides eight levels to accommodate more than one traffic class of
SAN, LAN, and IPC, with one of the classes used for SAN traffic. This set-
ting shows the persistent value for priority-encoded port packets: 0–7. The
default value is 5. The SAN CoS setting affects the connection only when
connected to a peer that is not configured with DCBX.
When connected to a DCBX-enabled peer, the port CoS value is automati-
cally set to value specified in the port CoS TLV, regardless of this parame-
ter setting.
When not connected to a DCBX-enabled peer, or before receiving a port
CoS value, the port CoS TLV is based on this parameter setting.
Priority Txt Mode Specifies the priority mode for data transfer as one of the following:
Strict disables the other bandwidth settings. When other settings are
disabled, the switch negotiates the port bandwidth according to settings
configured on that switch.
Bandwidth specifies that a percent of bandwidth to SAN traffic uses
the SAN bandwidth percent scale. Bandwidth sets the percentage of
the number of gigabytes per second (Gbps) transmission speed of the
port's capacity to SAN versus LAN traffic. The Bandwidth mode guar-
antees a transmission rate for SAN traffic over the port.
SAN Bandwidth Per-
If the Priority Txt Mode is set to Bandwidth, this value indicates the
SAN versus LAN percent setting.
SAN Unused Bw To LAN Enabled specifies that unused bandwidth allocated for SAN traffic is real-
located to LAN traffic when necessary.
SAN Unused Bw To SAN Enabled specifies that unused bandwidth allocated for LAN traffic is real-
located to SAN traffic when necessary.
Table 3-13. DCBX and ETS Configuration Parameters (Continued)
Parameter Description