SN0054614-00 K 4-1
4Non-Interactive Commands
This chapter contains the information in the help (to view help, enter the command
-h), plus additional explanation and examples. Each command line option is
listed, followed by a command description and examples of the command in use
and typical responses from the system.
The non-interactive command information included in this chapter includes the
“Display System Information (Command Line Options -g, -z, and -tp)” on
page 4-1
“Command Summary” on page 4-5

Display System Information

(Command Line Options -g, -z, and -tp)
When you enter one of these options, general information appears in various
formats. For example:
#scli -g shows the host information (see “Host Information (Command
Line Option -g)” on page 4-1).
#scli -z shows the host configuration (see “Host Configuration
(Command Line Option -z)” on page 4-2).
#scli -tp shows the host topology (see “Host Topology (Command Line
Option -tp)” on page 4-3).

Host Information

(Command Line Option -g)
The command format to show host information is:
#scli -g
When you enter this option, the following information about the local machine
Host Name
OS type
OS version (patches where applicable)