4–Non-Interactive Commands
Command Summary
SN0054614-00 K 4-47
To save the current adapter firmware preload table to a DAT file, enter the
following command:
#scli -u ( <hba instance> | <hba wwpn> ) save <file name>
ξ‚„<hba instance> is the adapter instance number of an adapter port.
ξ‚„<hba wwpn> is the world wide port name (WWPN) of an adapter port.
ξ‚„<file name> is the name of the firmware preload table DAT file.

(Display Version)

To show the version number of the SANsurfer FC/CNA HBA CLI tool, type:
#scli -v
The system shows the following information:
v1.x.x Build x
Copyright 2003-2009 QLogic Corp.
All rights reserved.
Command Line QLogic FC Host Bus Adapters.
Build Type: Release
Build Date: xx/xx/xxxx xx:xx:xx AM

(Virtual Port)

To list all virtual ports on a physical adapter port, type:
#scli -vp (<hba instance> : <hba wwpn>) list all
To list a specific virtual port on a physical adapter port, type:
This option is valid only in non-interactive mode.
hba instance =Adapter number (use -g command to find)
hba wwpn =World wide port name of the adapter
vport wwpn =World wide port name of the virtual port
vport hex =World wide port name of the virtual port with the two
hex digits in byte three supplied by the user