3–Interactive Commands
HBA Parameters Menu
SN0054614-00 K 3-27
Enable LIP Full Login (QLA/QLE23xx adapters)
Link Down Timeout (seconds)
Enable Target Reset
LUNs per Target
Enable Receive Out Of Order Frame
Commit Changes
Abort Changes
Table3-1 lists the configurable adapter parameters alphabetically by name and
alias, and provides values and descriptions of each.
Table 3-1. Adapter Parameters Settings (NVRAM)
Parameter Name Alias Value Description
ConnectionOption CO 0–3 See table note 1.
DataRate DR 0–4 See table note 2.
EnableBIOS EB 0, 1 See table notes 3, 4.
EnableExtendedLogging EL 0, 1 See table notes 3, 4.
EnableFCTape EF 0, 1 See table note 3.
EnableHardLooplD HL 0, 1 See table note 3.
EnableLIPFullLogin FL 0, 1 See table note 3.
EnableLipReset LP 0, 1 See table note 3.
EnableReceiveOutOfOrderFrame EO 0, 1 See table notes 3, 5.
EnableTargetReset TR 0, 1 See table note 3.
ExecutionThrottle ET 1–65535
FrameSize FR 512, 1024, 2048
HardLoopID HD 0–125
InterruptDelayTimer ID 0–255
LinkDownTimeOut LT 0–240
LoginReTryCount LR 0–255
MaximumLUNsPerTarget ML 0, 8, 16, 32, 64,
128, 256
OperationMode OM 0, 5, 6 See table note 6.
PortDownRetryCount PD 0–255