4.To disconnect a single caller, press the corresponding soft key (LINE1 or LINE2) to place the caller you wish to keep speaking to on hold and then press the END soft key to hang up the other caller. For example, to hang up Line 2 but leave Line 1 connected:
•Press the LINE2 soft key to put Line 1 on hold.
•Press the END soft key to hang up Line2.
•Press the LINE1 soft key to take Line 1 off hold and continue the conversation.
To hang up both lines, press END.
If you have Call Waiting service and a call waiting tone sounds while you are on a call, press TALK/FLASH to accept the waiting call. There is a short pause, and then you will hear the new caller. To return to the original caller, press TALK/FLASH again.
To locate the handset, press PAGE on the base when the phone is in standby mode. The handset beeps for 60 seconds (if you have two handsets, both handsets beep), and Paging appears on the handset display. To cancel paging, press any key on the handset or PAGE on the base. Ô
If the battery pack is completely drained, the handset will not beep.
Using Your Phone