Beyond the Basics

to see if the ID is stored in the associated ID list. In Closed Mode, the scanner only stops on the transmission and displays it’s text tag if the ID is stored and not locked out. In Open Mode, the scanner stops on all transmissions except those you specifically lock out, and the ID’s text tag appears if the ID is stored.

V-Scanner– contains a complete, stored configuration profile of your scanner’s programming. V-scanner lets you store or recall up to 11 scanner configurations in folders on your scanner, without using a personal computer. You can use V- Scanner to build and store configurations for different areas or different scanner applications. You can use the cloning feature to exchange scanner configurations with your friends without losing your existing data. V-Scanner also lets you back up your programmed data without connecting your scanner to a personal computer. Each V-Scanner folder stores all channel storage banks, channels, trunking IDs, search settings, and other parameters associated with scanner operation.

AM Mode (AM) – sets the scanner to receive amplitude modulation (AM) transmissions. AM is primarily used for aircraft, military, 27 MHz citizen’s band, some amateur radio, and some government transmissions.

FM/Digital Mode (FM) – sets the scanner to receive FM/Digital (FM) transmissions using frequency modulation (FM) and APCO-25 digital modulation. FM is used for most public safety transmissions, as well as broadcast, business, and amateur radio transmissions.

CTCSS Mode (CT) – sets the scanner to receive transmissions using frequency modulation (FM) with Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) subaudible tone codes. CTCSS allows multiple users to share a single radio frequency without hearing each other’s transmissions.

DCS Mode (DC) – sets the scanner to receive transmissions using frequency modulation (FM) with Digital Coded Squelch (DCS) subaudible data signaling.

Motorola/APCO-25 Trunking Mode (MO) – You can set your scanner so it decodes talkgroup IDs used with Motorola and APCO-25 trunking systems, and follows talkgroup calls in the trunking system. This setting is called Motorola mode.


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Radio Shack PRO-2096 manual Beyond the Basics