Colour Adjustment/Program

User Colour

You can register colours created by adjusting the density of yellow, ma- genta, cyan, and black. You can also name the colours that you register, and print out registered colours.


For types and examples of the im-

3 age adjustment functions, see p.iii “What You Can Do with This Machine <Colour Functions/Colour Adjustments>”.

The following show you how to create colours:

Adjust the density of each colour using the density of a chosen basic colour.

Directly specify the density of each colour using the number keys.


Adjust the colours to be registered such that the total density of yel- low, magenta, cyan, and black is under 255%.

When the total density of a regis- tered colour is over 256%, it will be corrected to 255%.

When copying with user colours, the finer shades may vary depend- ing on the condition of the ma- chine.

In order to correctly reproduce originals, the values entered are corrected by the machine, and cop- ies are made using the optimum values. Therefore, there may be slight colour differences when copying using “Text” and when using “Photo”.

Up to 15 colours can be registered.

Sample prints of user colours can also be made on an A4K, 81/2" ⋅

11"K size page or on an A3L, 11" ⋅ 17"L size page.

Printing out a user colour sample will be counted under the full col- our counter.

Adjusting Colours Based on the Selected Colour

A Press the {Adjust/Program Colour} key.


B Press [User Colour].C Select the number (1–15) you want to store the user colour in.


The settings of the user colour will change when selecting the number already displayed by the colour name.

D Select the colour to be used as a base from [Basic Colour].

The density of each colour for the selected colour is displayed.