
A Press [Dup./Combine/Series].

2 Sided1 Sided



B Press [Others].

C Press [Series / Book].

D Press [Series].

E Select [Book1 Sided], [Book2 Sided ], or [Front & Back2 Sided], and then press [OK].

F Press [Exit].

G Press [OK].

H Make sure [Auto Paper Select] is se- lected.

I Place the original on the exposure glass, and then press the {Start} key.


Press the {#} key after all origi- nals have been scanned.

You can make one-sided copies from 2-sided originals.

A Press [Dup./Combine/Series].

B Press [2 Sided] for the original, then press [1 Sided] for the copy.


p.51 “Originals and copy orien- tation”

C Press the [OK] key.

D Set your originals, then press the {Start} key.