Four Basic Saw Controls (continued)
2.Bevel lock lever/index pin
To change the bevel setting of the blade:
a.Pull the bevel lock lever forward. Then rotate the bevel index pin downward. This will allow the blade to be tilted and at the same time “by- pass” the preset bevel indexes.
b.To engage the preset bevel indexes, rotate the bevel lock index pin up.
c.Engage bevel index pin and/or bevel lock lever before cutting.
3.Depth Adjustment Cam and Head Hold Down
To release the blade -
a.While applying light downward pres- sure on the handle, pull the depth adjustment cam to the right, then raise the blade.
NOTE: It is not necessary to loosen depth adjustment knob.
b.Rotate the depth adjustment cam so the flat on the cam is facing upward. NOTE: Head Hold Down is for trans- port and storage purposes only. No cutting operations should take place while hold down is engaged.
To lock the blade in the lower position. a. Pull the depth adjustment cam to the right and lower the blade into the
b. Rotate the depth adjustment cam
until slot engages pin on upper guard.
4.Slide lock knob
Turn the slide lock knob counterclock- wise to loosen and clockwise to tighten. Loosening the knob will allow the pow- erhead to slide back and forth. Tighten- ing the knob will lock the powerhead in place.
Bevel Lock
Bevel Index