Use the arrow buttons to select either ‘Allow’ or ‘Deny’ as appropriate.
1Enter the base network address, the mask and select the appropriate access setting.
2Click the OK button.
To reorder access control entries
IMPORTANT: When reordering, ensure that any specific allowed addresses are listed higher in the list than any denied addresses. Take care not to invoke any deny access settings that would exclude valid users.
1In the access control list, click on the entry to be moved.
2Click the Up or Down buttons as appropriate.
To edit/remove access control entries
1In the access control list, click on the appropriate entry.
2Click either the Edit or Remove button as appropriate.
Appendix E – VNC Viewer connection options
When you are connecting to the Vista Remote 2 unit using the VNC viewer, a number of options are available.
Click the Options… button
There are six tabbed pages of options: